Things to Consider Before You Decide to Give up AMP

When Google proclaimed that it will no longer require AMP for inclusion in its Top Stories back in May, many publishers have decided to drop it altogether. After all, it seemed like a great idea at the time. Standing for Accelerated Mobile Pages, AMP was controversial ever since its introduction. As it turns out, however, you may want to keep using it, as AMP pages have consistently outperformed non-AMP pages all across the board.

Why AMP Raises Eyebrows

While Google was transparent about its reasons for creating AMP, not everyone was all that enthusiastic about it. The idea was simple: improve the way mobile web pages work, in every way that matters. For the most part, they succeeded, and AMP has indeed sped things up. Where they weren’t as successful, however, was accessibility; it wasn’t easy to implement AMP, and it was seen as a necessary evil.

“Sometimes AMP makes a site look awful”, said Sandra Lewis, a webdev at Jacksonville SEO in Florida, “we get clients whose sites are a mess because of AMP conflicts, and we have to work hard to get them to function properly and look good.”

But Google has learned from its mistakes. Its next improvement in mobile ranking is called Page Experience Factors, and it is both more publisher-friendly and sophisticated. Its upcoming arrival has led to many seeing AMP as a placeholder. Why stick with it if it will soon become obsolete, right?

Why AMP Is Still Worth the Effort

No one can deny that improved site speed is one of the main advantages of AMP. No matter what your website is about, if it is faster than your competition, you will simply do better. And the benefits don’t stop there. AMP not only speeds up your site but also leads to increased organic rankings (27.1%), SERP impressions (33.8%), and click-through rates.

A more recent study from Milestone has found that AMP websites outperform AMP websites on a number of Google’s core metrics:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (by 17%)
  • First Input Delay (by 10%)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (by 70%)
  • Page Speed (a whopping 135% improvement)

In fact, merely implementing AMP will significantly impact a site’s performance. On average, making a non-AMP site into an AMP site will raise its rank by two positions. It will also increase search impressions for that site by as much as 380%. The increased visibility is simply too great for you (or anyone else) to ignore.

After taking everything into account, Milestone has concluded that using AMP will lead to 29% increased revenue when compared to not using it.

Conclusion: You Should Probably Still Stick With It

Yes, Page Experience Factors may end up replacing AMP in the near or far future. However, you should still ask yourself if you want to miss out on all the perks that AMP can give you in the meantime. For most website owners, that answer will be an undeniable, “No.”